Friday, September 6, 2013

Crazy ones

It's back to school time and I believe that this is the perfect way to start it.

Here is the "Think different" speech by Steve Jobs posted on april 21st 2013, on the marketing and values website, which you can either read or watch by clicking on the following links.

So as "Nike" says it so well: "JUST DO IT!" and read or watch or both. It's an order!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Aude Goalec & Nicole Jacobs

© Aude Goalec & Nicole Jacobs

Aude Goalec & Nicole Jacobs are two self-taught artists and also sisters 
who have been making among other animals, paper maché hens like this one, 
for years. Aren't they great? What a nice use of typography! If you missed them, 
place Saint-Sulpice in the heart of Paris, this past week-end... no problem, check 
their blog to see where and when they will be showing their work in the near future.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Scott Blake

© Scott Blake

Oh dear, it's been donkey's years since I last posted a message hasn't it? So here goes.
Is this Pop art or Op art? No neither or perhaps yes, both at the same time! Actually, it's Bar Code Art by Scott Blake, an american artist from Omaha. Barcodes come in different shades of grey, so that he uses them like pixels on a grid. What is really amazing is that he pushes the concept so as to use only barcodes related to the subject matter, which you realize when you scan them, thus making the work interactive. That's truly something!